- Opis
- Dodatkowe informacje
Aeronautics and aerospace engineering
Mode of study | Title obtained | Period of study | Language of instruction | Place of classes | Admission limit |
Full-time | Master of Science | 1,5 years / 3 semesters |
English | 20 | |
Wydział Mechaniczny Technologiczny
Gliwice, ul. Konarskiego 18a,
tel. 32 237 24 33
e-mail: wmt_rekrutacja@polsl.pl
e-mail: BOSG8@polsl.pl
- stacjonarne II stopnia
- profil: ogólnoakademicki
- termin naboru: rekrutacja zimowa
- język prowadzenia zajęć: angielski
- czas trwania studiów: 1,5 roku / 3 semestry
- uzyskany tytuł: magister inżynier
- specjalności:
- Metody projektowania i symulacji w inżynierii lotniczej i kosmicznej
- Nowoczesne technologie i materiały w inżynierii lotniczej i kosmicznej
- Inżynieria kosmiczna
- Systemy logistyczne w transporcie lotniczym
- Bezzałogowe Statki Powietrzne
This field of study offers you interdisciplinary knowledge and unique skills in the field of modern aviation and space technologies. We will teach you the design and operation of aircraft and aircraft propulsion systems, materials engineering and aviation logistics. You will build your competences on a thorough knowledge of issues in the field of aerodynamics and flight mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, aviation materials and modern technologies used in the design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft.
Specialists in the aviation and space industry are among the most scarce professional groups on the labor market. It is worth emphasizing that this market is a systematically growing market and the awareness of the use of space technologies in everyday life is increasing. It is worth recalling the role of location or navigation satellites. Graduates of the faculty have an education that meets the expectations of the modern aviation and space industry as well as industries using innovative aviation technologies. They acquire them, among others, as part of national and international research projects and in certified aviation training centers operating within the University, allowing them to obtain international specialist qualifications, e.g. UAV pilot.
During your studies in Aerospace Engineering, you will gain knowledge, skills and competences in the field of:
- designing and constructing complex devices, objects, systems,
- the use of intelligent materials, design and simulation of multifunctional advanced material systems,
- logistics systems in air transport,
- space engineering,
- unmanned aerial vehicle systems,
- planning and carrying out experiments,
- imaging and laser scanning methods and tools,
- perception of tasks in the systemic and non-technical aspect, taking into account ethical aspects and environmental protection issues.
At this stage, students focus mainly on professional internships, with particular emphasis on internships in international centers. Due to the fact that Poland is an active member of the European Space Agency and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, students can carry out internships in all European centers without any problems. In addition, there are certified aviation units at the University, where you can directly develop your interests.
Building a career in the field of Aeronautical and Space Engineering takes place through the involvement of students not only as part of scheduled didactic classes, but also through trips abroad (e.g. under the ERASMUS+ program), participation in international projects (e.g. university PBL projects) or in domestic and international conferences. This enables graduates to work in in positions:
- designer and constructor of flying objects,
- manager in international project teams,
- air freight specialist,
- aviation planning specialist,
- internal auditor in the field of specializations pursued,
- a research or didactic employee.
Aeronautical and Space Engineering is a newly created major, established in 2021. Graduates of the second-cycle studies have specialist engineering knowledge in the field of the functioning of the modern aerospace industry and can find work practically anywhere in the world.
Marek – Chairman of the Council of the Self-Government of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering:
“In our opinion, the the direction will enable the development of new, specialized engineering staff. The study program is written in a factual manner, emphasizing both education in the field of aircraft construction and their operation. We hope that it will meet the expectations of students and future graduates of the Silesian University of Technology.”
Oczekiwane kompetencje kandydata | Forma sprawdzenia i oceny kompetencji kandydata |
Kandydat posiada kompetencje niezbędne do kontynuowania kształcenia na studiach drugiego stopnia na tym kierunku, a w szczególności:
Przez średnią ocen ze studiów rozumie się ocenę wyznaczoną jako średnią ważoną zaokrągloną do dwóch miejsc po przecinku, określoną wzorem:
Współczynnik zgodności posiadanych kompetencji z kompetencjami wymaganymi od kandydatów wynosi:
3 – zgodność w zakresie 90% – 100%
2 – zgodność w zakresie 80% – 89%
1 – zgodność w zakresie 70% – 79%
0 – zgodność poniżej 70%
Dodatkowe informacje
Tytuł | magister inżynier |
Stopien | Stopień II |
Forma | Stacjonarne |
Język | Angielski |
Kierunek | Aeronautics and aerospace engineering |
Miasto | Katowice |
Profil | ogólnoakademicki |
Rekrutacja | Zimowa |
Wydział | Wydział Transportu i Inżynierii Lotniczej |