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Mode of study Title obtained Study period Language of instruction Place of classes Admission Limit
Full-time Master of Science 2 years/
4 semesters
English Zabrze 30

Faculty of Organization and Management
Zabrze, 26-28 Roosevelta St.,
phone. 32 277 73 14
e-mail: woiz_rekrutacja@polsl.pl


  • stacjonarne/niestacjonarne II stopnia
  • profil: ogólnoakademicki
  • termin naboru: rekrutacja letnia
  • czas trwania studiów: 2 lata / 4 semestry
  • uzyskany tytuł: magister
  • specjalności:
    • menedżer innowacji
    • audytor biznesowy
    • menedżer HR
    • menedżer w organizacji publicznej
    • specjalista ds. controllingu i finansów
  • HR Manager specialization is focused on human resources processes in different types of contemporary organizations as well as linkages between Human Resources Management (HRM) and other processes: production/operation management, marketing and finance.You will learn about:
    • general management concepts and methods used in organizations,
    • concepts and methods of strategic management,
    • intercultural management and leadership,
    • communication issues and techniques,
    • innovative forms of employee motivation,
    • ethical aspects of management,
    • change management,
    • computer and internet tools supporting  HRM.

After completing this specialization, graduates can find employment as specialists, advisors and managers in small and medium sized enterprises as well as in large companies operating in various industries. Depending on the duties in the position held, they can organize or assist in the processes of: employment planning, negotiations, employee evaluations, rewarding, creating incentive systems, reporting, employee training, creating payment policy, implementing changes, modelling organizational structures, shaping the organizational culture, managing talents and maintaining effective internal communication in the organization.

By studying Management – specialization HR Manager – you will gain knowledge in the field of:

  • processes and structures in different types of organizations,
  • Human Resources Management concepts and techniques,
  • cross-cultural communication and management issues
  • HR strategy,
  • employment,
  • personnel development and career path building,
  • remuneration system,
  • multicultural team management.

Skills in:

  • preparing analysis in the “soft” areas of organizations
  • managerial communication skills
  • designing the organization’s strategy
  • conducting research in social sciences devoted to managerial problems
  • cooperation with international teams
  • Introducing innovative human resource management concepts into the organization, basing on ethical rules.

Competences responding to the modern organizations challenges:

  • social (including economic and managerial), behavioral, technical
  • social, including economic and managerial
  • connected with effective management

The mandatory internship during the studies (graduate internship  – 160 hours) students can realize in selected organizations in Poland or in their domestic country. The internship should be should be substantively related to the scope of studies and the master thesis.

Graduates of this specialization can find employment in different units performing the functions of Human Resources. This specialty guarantees excellent substantive and practical preparation for work in the following positions:

  • managers in various industries and organizations,
  • managers or specialists of HR departments,
  • recruitment and selection specialists,
  • specialists for employee training and development,
  • PR specialists,
  • negotiation specialists,
  • talent management specialists,
  • change managers.


‘As a recent graduate of the Master’s in Management program, I am now pursuing my doctorate and am delighted with my university experience. The program offered a robust theoretical framework alongside practical business preparation, fostering a supportive environment for individual growth. The dedicated faculty and ample opportunities for professional development have been instrumental in my academic and career success. I confidently recommend this university to those considering advanced studies in management, as it equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge for both academia and the professional sphere. ’

Alain (alumnus 2023)

‘It is with great pleasure that I can recommend studying Management at the Silesian University of Technology.

The classes, conducted with passion by experienced lecturers, allowed me to gain essential knowledge in the field of functioning and organizing business processes, development of self-government or public organizations. The commitment of the lecturers helped me acquire new knowledge and broaden my interests, also in practical terms.

I also greatly appreciated the individual approach to each student, which contributed to even greater mobilisation in individual and group work.

I highly recommend and recommend studying at the Silesian University of Technology to anyone who is facing the choice of their field of study, as it always prepares its students excellently to fulfil important, responsible functions in various fields of business, organisation or other spheres of public and profitable life.’

Paul (alumnus 2022)

‘I started my Management  studies at the Faculty of Organisation and Management with the hope that they would give me both a solid theoretical foundation but also prepare me for practical business work. During my studies, I learned about the application of information technology in marketing communication and management. This shaped my career and today, years later, I can say that this choice was the right one, as I continue to work with satisfaction and success in this innovative service sector.’

Bartosz (alumnus 2017)

  • The HR Manager specialization is focused on human resources processes in different types of contemporary organizations.
  • Graduates have knowledge of socio-economic subjects, including business management in the conditions of today’s rapidly changing economy, the creation and improvement of business models, the design and implementation of strategies, the nature of leadership in the organizations, the implementation of quality management systems or issues related to quantitative and information technology methods in management.
  • They are also familiar with methods of analysis, diagnosis and design of organizations and their management marketing systems.
  • Graduates of Management are fully prepared for the work of managers operating under the conditions of an evolving economy, independently manage tangible and intangible resources, and cooperate with foreign business entities.
  • They are familiar with the peculiarities of diverse markets: consumer and institutional in both services and goods. Their professional activities can be directed at solving organizational and economic issues related to organizing employees work.
Expected competencies of the candidate The form of verification and evaluation of the candidate’s competencies
The candidate has the necessary competencies to continue education in the second degree program in this field, in particular:

  • knows and understands the different types of organizational structures and institutions,
  • knows and understands the theory and general methodology of research in management and quality studies,
  • knows and understands the methods and tools of management to identify, analyze and solve organizational problems,
  • knows and understands the essence of strategic analysis, the basics of strategy design and the principles of creating a business plan,
  • knows and understands market principles, objectives and scope of marketing research and strategies,
  • knows and understands the principles of rational decision-making in a changing economic, political, technological environmental and social environment,
  • can speak a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  1. Verification of the competencies possessed on the basis of the diploma of graduation with the diploma supplement.
  2. The candidate’s score is the average of his/her college grades multiplied by the coefficient of compatibility of the competencies possessed with the competencies required of the candidates.

Przez The average grade of the studies is understood as the grade determined as a weighted average rounded to two decimal places, determined by the formula:

The compliance index between the competencies held and those required of candidates is:

3 – 90% – 100% compliance
2 – 80% – 89% compliance
1 – 70% – 79% compliance
0 – compliance below 70%

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