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Management and production engineering

Mode of study Title obtained Period of study Language of instruction Place of classes Minimum number of credits (Polish students) Admission limit
Full-time Bachelor of Science 3,5 years /
7 semesters
English Zabrze 30 out of 150 max. 30

Faculty of Organization and Management
Zabrze, 26-28 Roosevelta St,
phone 32 277 73 14
e-mail: woiz_rekrutacja@polsl.pl



  • stacjonarne/niestacjonarne I stopnia
  • profil: ogólnoakademicki
  • termin naboru: rekrutacja letnia
  • język prowadzenia zajęć: angielski
  • czas trwania studiów: 3,5 roku / 7 semestrów
  • uzyskany tytuł: inżynier
  • specjalności:
    • management of production systems

In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, business models play a fundamental role in the creation of a coherent company management system. A new approach to the organisation and management of production processes also requires modern, innovative technologies that change not only the manufacturing process, but also the organisation of work, communication, and management processes. What we teach is fully adapted to changes and market expectations.

You will learn about: 

– subjects covering general engineering and management education,
– subjects related to the preparation and organisation of production in a company,
– subjects related to quantitative methods and the use of information systems in the management of different types of processes,
– subjects related to the management and leadership of human resources,
– subjects related to self-employment,
– social and economic subjects related to the acquisition of organisational and business management skills under market economy conditions,
– methods of analysis, diagnosis and design of organisational and business management systems.

The Factory of the Future must be able to respond dynamically to ever-changing consumer demands, changing consumption and current trends. Flexible adaptation to the situation is the key to success. The roles of managers are changing, and the roles of employees are changing. The former is becoming more work organisers and the latter are becoming independent team members, aware of the company’s goals. By becoming aware of the needs and priorities of the organisation, they can also make more informed decisions, improve procedures and algorithms, and propose new solutions. The automation of manufacturing processes and communication, including on the human-robot line, is of great importance. That is why Production Management and Engineering is one of the most promising faculties. We know and analyse the expectations of entrepreneurs. We have designed our study programme with them in mind. After completing the programme, you will be able to associate technical problems with economic and social ones, and this will enable you to properly prepare and organise the production process, assessing the impact of production decisions on the functioning of the whole company and the economic and financial results.

By studying Management and Production Engineering you will gain,

knowledge in the field of:
– basics of production company management
– management and production quality assurance systems
– operation of modern companies
– the operations of production systems
– the application of advanced information systems in production processes
– building a sustainable economy, including sustainable production and consumption
skills in:
– cooperation in a multidisciplinary engineering team
– creating a process of continuous learning
– conducting research and development works
– cooperation with international teams
competences specific to Engineering and Leadership 4.0:
– technical
– social, including economic and managerial
– management

We always teach our students in collaboration with industry. Every student has an apprenticeship to complete, and work placements are also popular. Close relations with companies from the industrial environment and the university’s location near the Katowice Special Economic Zone mean that internships and apprenticeships can be completed in the best global corporations that have representative offices in our vicinity. Very often, an apprenticeship is a ticket to later employment, with which our graduates have no problems.

Today’s Engineer 4.0 must not only have technical knowledge in the technological field but must also be a Leader 4.0 who can manage processes, teams and modern enterprises. Implementing new technologies, building the competitiveness of enterprises and sustainable economic development of the region, the country and the world requires multifaceted knowledge, which you will gain in the Management and Production Engineering degree programme in Katowice and Zabrze.  

We teach you all this and many other skills during your studies.

As a university graduate, you can work nationally and internationally in, among many other areas:
– organisation and management of production, practically in every economic sector,
– lean manufacturing and agile production,
– computerisation processes, digitisation, automation and robotisation of enterprises,
– ergonomics and safety at work,
– building a sustainable economy, responsible consumption and production,
– business maintenance,
– industrial logistics,
– and many other areas.

“In my opinion, studying the ZIP major is very interesting and useful for those interested in production technologies and production process management. The course offers a cross-cutting approach to engineering and management issues, allowing you to gain knowledge from both fields. I like my major very much and believe that it will be useful for my future work in the industrial sector, where both technical and managerial skills are required. I really enjoy studying in this field. It is a known fact that it is sometimes worse and sometimes better. Sometimes you have to spend more time studying certain subjects. It is a good choice for people who just want to combine knowledge from different fields and work in positions related to production management.”

“As a MaPE student, I think I made the right decision by choosing this particular major. Because of the variety of activities in the research laboratories, I think it is a practical major. Choosing to specialise in Workplace Health and Safety in my second degree is one of the best decisions I could have made. I believe that completing this major will provide me with many employment opportunities and further development in the future, given the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge in many issues related to the planning, organisation and control of production and material manufacturing processes.”

“Management and Production Engineering is a major combining management science, i.e. the activities, processes and decisions whose application to resources, people and capital should lead to the effective management of an enterprise and the fulfilment of planned objectives, and production engineering science, i.e. the activities dealing with the principles of product design, processes and supports production in terms of quality issues, cost reduction and delivery precision and timeliness.

Studying Management and Production Engineering at the Faculty of Materials Engineering is very future-oriented, it is not always colourful, there are both subjects that are enjoyable and subjects that cause us a lot of problems. Of course, the biggest problem is with the science subjects, the technical subjects related to the major are very interesting. Personally, as a second-year student of this course, I can recommend it to anyone, I really enjoy what I am learning, and I love doing various interesting laboratory experiments and doing interesting but not always easy exercise tasks. In less than two years of studying, I have met many valuable and wonderful teachers who pass on all their knowledge with passion and great commitment.

The course opens up many job opportunities for students, ranging from the production line to various types of transport and logistics companies, as well as management positions. For students who wish to expand their knowledge, there is our “Smart Production” circle, which deals with e.g. the simulation of production processes.

– Simulation of production processes
– FlexSim
– Participation in research projects

In addition, as students of this faculty, we have the opportunity to participate in Student Workshops that take place in Ustron, which is an opportunity to listen to very interesting presentations by our colleagues and lecturers.

In summary, studying can be an extremely enriching experience for someone. It can help a person develop their mind and increase their knowledge and discipline. Students who study tend to do better academically than those who do not. People who study are also healthier and more disciplined than those who do not. Therefore, students should make the most of the opportunities that studying gives them.”


  • Absolwenci posiadają wiedzę z zakresu przedmiotów ogólnego wykształcenia inżynierskiego oraz związanych z przygotowaniem i organizacją produkcji w przedsiębiorstwie.
  • Potrafią posługiwać się metodami ilościowymi i wykorzystywać systemy informatyczne w zarządzaniu.
  • Znają również metody analizy, diagnozy i projektowania systemów organizacyjnych oraz systemów zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.
  • Potrafią przygotować i zorganizować proces produkcyjny wraz z oceną wpływu decyzji produkcyjnych na funkcjonowanie całego przedsiębiorstwa i osiąganych wyników ekonomiczno-finansowych.
  • Absolwenci kierunku zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji są przygotowani do kierowania zespołami działalności twórczej w wybranym zakresie inżynierii produkcji oraz zespołami w sferze gospodarczej, administracji oświatowej, samorządowej, państwowej lub bankowości.
  • Mogą kierować systemami produkcyjnymi, organizować procesy produkcyjne i pomocnicze w przedsiębiorstwie.
  • Potrafią gospodarować zasobami przedsiębiorstwa dla potrzeb jego działalności, w szczególności zaś dla potrzeb procesu produkcyjnego


Kwalifikacja odbywa się na podstawie wyników z części pisemnych egzaminu maturalnego.

P = 0,5 × Wmp + k × Wdodatkowy

P – liczba punktów w postępowaniu kwalifikacyjnym,
Wmp – liczba punktów (%) uzyskanych z matematyki (poziom podstawowy),
Wdodatkowy – liczba punktów (%) uzyskanych z jednego przedmiotu dodatkowego (matematyka – poziom rozszerzony, biologia, chemia, fizyka, informatyka) lub z końcowego wyniku egzaminów zawodowych w zawodzie nauczanym na poziomie technika,
k = 0,5 dla poziomu podstawowego,
k = 1 dla poziomu rozszerzonego,
k = 0,75 dla końcowego wyniku egzaminów zawodowych w zawodzie nauczanym na poziomie technika.

Liczbę punktów przelicza się z uwzględnieniem przedmiotów o najkorzystniejszym dla kandydata wyniku. Jeżeli kandydat nie zdawał przedmiotu na określonym poziomie, to do obliczeń przyjmuje się 0 punktów za ten przedmiot.

Pełne kryteria przyjęć, w tym kryteria dla osób kwalifikujących się na podstawie innej niż nowa matura oraz wykaz uwzględnianych zawodów na poziomie technika, są dostępne na odrębnej stronie.


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Stopień I




Management and production engineering








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