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Industrial and engineering chemistry

Mode of study Title obtained Study period Medium of instruction Place of classes Admission Limit
Full-time Master of Science 1,5 years/3 semesters English Gliwice

Faculty of Chemistry
Gliwice, 9 Marcina Strzody St.,
phone. 32 237 15 49, 32 237 15 74
e-mail: wch_rekrutacja@polsl.pl


Medicines, cosmetics, fertilizers, dyes, plastics are just some examples of chemical industry products that are a constant part of our everyday life. As part of the INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY programme, we will teach you not only to “understand” the chemical processes taking place, but also to show you how they can be planned and controlled in order to obtain the best possible products while maintaining the principles of the so-called “green chemistry”.

The field of study combines two closely related areas: chemical and process engineering and chemical technology. All classes are taught in English, so you will be able to communicate freely in an international environment in the future.
Chemical products are an indispensable element of the modern world and allow to improve the quality of human life. It is the chemical industry that supplies raw materials to other industries, such as automotive and pharmaceuticals. The INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY field of study is a response to the demand of the labour market, and its program is in line with the directions of development of the chemical industry.

Thanks to the combination of skills and knowledge in the areas of technology and chemical engineering, you will have a broad view of industrial processes, and thanks to your knowledge of technical English, you will be able to communicate with ease not only in Polish-speaking teams. Importantly, the course has a European-Accredited Engineering Bachelor Degree Programme certificate and accreditation from the Accreditation Commission of Technical Universities and the European Network for Accredit.
So if you are interested in natural sciences and are not afraid of solving engineering problems, then the INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY course is just for you!

Chemical products are an indispensable element of the modern world and allow to improve the quality of human life. It is the chemical industry that supplies raw materials to other industries, such as automotive and pharmaceuticals. The INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY field of study is a response to the demand of the labour market, and its program is in line with the directions of development of the chemical industry.

Thanks to the combination of skills and knowledge in the areas of technology and chemical engineering, you will have a broad view of industrial processes, and thanks to your knowledge of technical English, you will be able to communicate with ease not only in Polish-speaking teams. Importantly, the course has a European-Accredited Engineering Bachelor Degree Programme certificate and accreditation from the Accreditation Commission of Technical Universities and the European Network for Accredit.
So if you are interested in natural sciences and are not afraid of solving engineering problems, then the INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY course is just for you!

By studying the field of study, you will gain knowledge, skills and competences in the field of:
general, analytical physical, inorganic and organic chemistry
planning of industrial chemical processes and design
of chemical equipment
life cycle of products, equipment and installations in the chemical industry
raw materials, products and processes used in the chemical industry
heavy synthesis technology and special substance technology
directions of development of the chemical industry, including nanomaterials
environmentally friendly processes, as well as waste management
management and quality management and copyright protection.

Graduates also have a good knowledge of technical English.

As part of the study program, each student must complete a professional internship. Thanks to cooperation with various companies in the chemical industry, students also participate in study trips or visits to production plants.

Currently, the labour market appreciates employees with interdisciplinary knowledge, who can flexibly adapt to expectations and solve problems comprehensively and creatively
As a graduate of the faculty, you can find a job, among others, in:
• in the chemical and related industries
• in plants producing modern materials
• engineering companies and design offices
• in R&D departments and scientific and research units.
And thanks to your good knowledge of technical English, you will be well prepared to work in companies and international teams.

  • Graduates have knowledge in two fields of study: chemical and process engineering and chemical technology, extended to include environmentally friendly processes, technologies of special substances and nanomaterials, as well as a good knowledge
    of technical English.
  • They were familiarized with the basics of chemistry and technology, the construction, operation and design of chemical equipment, analysis and control of production management processes.
  • With knowledge of chemistry, technology and process engineering, they are prepared to conduct research, create chemical concepts and design, as well as implement and implement processes and products into practice.
  • Graduates of this field of study can work in the chemical and related industries, in plants producing modern materials, engineering companies and design offices.
  • They are particularly well-prepared to work in English-speaking technical and business environments.
Oczekiwane kompetencje kandydata Forma sprawdzenia i oceny kompetencji kandydata
Kandydat posiada kompetencje niezbędne do kontynuowania kształcenia na studiach drugiego stopnia na tym kierunku, a w szczególności:

  • ma wiedzę z zakresu matematyki, fizyki i chemii, umożliwiającą zrozumienie oraz opis zjawisk i procesów stosowanych w technologii chemicznej, a także podstaw inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej wykonywania obliczeń potrzebnych w praktyce inżynierskiej,
  • ma wiedzę o surowcach, produktach i procesach stosowanych w przemyśle chemicznym oraz o kierunkach rozwoju przemysłu chemicznego w kraju i na świecie,
  • zna i rozumie zasady budowy i doboru aparatów i urządzeń stosowanych w przemyśle chemicznym i pokrewnych,
  • ma wiedzę i umiejętności w zakresie interpretacji, prezentacji i dokumentacji wyników eksperymentu oraz prezentacji i dokumentacji wyników zadań o charakterze projektowym,
  • zna i potrafi posługiwać się specjalistycznym językiem angielskim z zakresu technologii i inżynierii chemicznej,
  • potrafi posługiwać się językiem obcym na poziomie B2 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego.
  1. Weryfikacja posiadanych kompetencji na podstawie dyplomu ukończenia studiów wraz z suplementem do dyplomu.
  2. Wynik kandydata stanowi średnia ocen ze studiów pomnożona przez współczynnik zgodności posiadanych kompetencji z kompetencjami wymaganymi od kandydatów.

Przez średnią ocen ze studiów rozumie się ocenę wyznaczoną jako średnią ważoną zaokrągloną do dwóch miejsc po przecinku, określoną wzorem:

Współczynnik zgodności posiadanych kompetencji z kompetencjami wymaganymi od kandydatów wynosi:

3 – zgodność w zakresie 90% – 100%
2 – zgodność w zakresie 80% – 89%
1 – zgodność w zakresie 70% – 79%
0 – zgodność poniżej 70%

Dodatkowe informacje


magister inżynier


Stopień II






Industrial and engineering chemistry








Wydział Chemiczny

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