Admission requirements for the Joint Doctoral School for the academic year 2024/2025

The call for admission is open in the following scientific disciplines:













A candidate may be admitted to a doctoral school if he or she holds a professional degree of Master of Science, Master of Engineering or equivalent, or a person referred to in Article 186(2) of the Act.

  1. on the basis of the documents submitted by the candidate, the Central Enrolment Commission confirms that the candidate has particularly high academic achievements in the field of the related discipline in which the The Joint Doctoral School is run,
  2. on the basis of the interview conducted with the candidate, the Central Enrolment Commission confirms that the candidate has extensive knowledge in the field of scientific research methodology and the dissemination of results of scientific activities.

At the same time you can be a student of only one Joint Doctoral School.

The enrolment is carried out electronically by the IRK system.

Candidates submit the required documents to the Main Office of the Joint Doctoral School within the time specified in the Calendar of the enrolment. The Central Enrolment Commission will take the Entrance examinations (oral) only with candidates who have submitted a set of documents.

Admission to the Joint Doctoral School is based on the results of the competitive examination within the number of places in the School. The ranking list is established on the basis of the number of points gained by individual candidates.

Candidates are qualified depending on the place on the ranking list up to the number of places and one person for each announced research topic.

The Central Enrolment Commission define the minimum number of points that candidates must gain during the entire enrolment process. The number of points is the same for all recruitments in this year enrolment.

The admission to the Joint Doctoral School takes place by registration on the list of PhD students. The negative result of admission to the Joint Doctoral School requires an administrative decision. From the decision of the negative result of admission you may submit the request for reconsideration of the case within fourteen days of the decision delivery.

Detailed rules and procedure for candidates for the Joint Doctoral School

  1. The maximum number of points a candidate can obtain is 100.
  2. The interview is conducted in Polish or English and consists of two parts:
    • a multimedia presentation of the candidate including a presentation of:
      1. the candidate’s profile,
      2. the results of his/her scientific work so far,
      3. the candidate’s interest in the chosen research topic,
      4. the candidate’s motivation for undertaking training at the doctoral school;
    • questions asked by the recruitment team to check the candidate’s substantive preparation, with the number of questions asked by the candidate’s supervisor not exceeding half of their total number. If the candidate’s knowledge of the English language is attested by a certificate or diploma attesting knowledge of that language at a proficiency level of at least B2, the candidate is awarded the maximum number of points for this. In other cases, knowledge of the English language shall be assessed by means of an interview conducted in that language.
  3. In terms of academic achievement, achievements over the five years preceding the recruitment to the doctoral school shall be assessed.
  4. Academic achievements in the relevant or related discipline in which the doctorate will be pursued shall be assessed.
  5. The following criteria shall be taken into account when assessing a candidate’s academic achievements:
    • in the case of a scientific monograph or article: type and form, number of authors, percentage of authorship contribution confirmed by a correspondence author, number of points in the list of publications or in the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Article 267, paragraph 2, point 2 of the Act;
    • in the case of a project: the role played, the period of participation, practical applications of the results of scientific research or development works, implementations of the results of scientific activity resulting from participation in the project, the prestige of the competition under which the project is financed, innovativeness and importance of the project for the development of science;
    • in the case of a scientific conference: scope, number of institutions represented, innovativeness of the scientific research being the subject of the scientific paper, status of the organiser;
    • ) in the case of a competition: the prestige, the place obtained, the percentage of the achievement for which a team prize or distinction was obtained, the number of participants, including the number of teams, in the case of practical applications of the results of scientific research or development work, including patent applications, patents granted or implementations of the results of scientific activity in another form – the number of such applications;
    • in the case of involvement in the activities of the scientific circle or organisation: the role played, the period of participation, the innovativeness of the research topic to which the activities of the scientific circle or organisation relate
  6. The candidate’s academic achievements shall be documented in writing in the form of: :
    • pages of a scientific monograph or scientific journal containing the author’s name or authors’ names, title of the scientific monograph or scientific article, name of the publishing house, place of publication, month and year of publication, ISBN, elSBN, ISSN, elSSN or DOI;
    • a statement by the head of the research project containing information on the number, source of funding, duration and aim of the project, the role played by the candidate in the project and the scope of the tasks carried out by him/her, as well as the results of the project;
    • the programme of the scientific conference or post-conference material containing the names of the speakers and the institutions they represent;
    • the candidate’s declaration of authorship and presentation of the scientific paper;
    • a diploma or other document confirming the attainment of a prize or distinction in a competition;
    • a statement of the team leader or statements of the team members on the candidate’s percentage contribution to the achievement – in the case of a team prize; ;
    • Confirmation of the filing of a patent application, the granting of a patent or the implementation of the results of scientific activity in another form;
    • confirmation of receipt of the Minister’s scholarship for outstanding achievements.
  7. The maximum number of points a candidate may obtain under the individual assessment elements is specified in the table below..
Lp. Elements of candidate assessment Maximum number of points
I Interview, including: 60
1 The candidate’s multimedia presentation 10
2 The candidate’s interest in the chosen research topic and the candidate’s motivation to undertake training in doctoral school 30
3 Substantive preparation for doctoral training in the chosen subject area 10
4 Knowledge of the English language at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 10
II Documented academic achievements of the candidate, including: 40
1 Authorship or co-authorship of a scientific monograph, a chapter in a scientific monograph or a scientific
article published in a scientific journal or in the peer-reviewed proceedings of an international conference
2 Authorship and presentation of a scientific paper at a national or international scientific conference 3
3 Participation in/leadership of a research project 7
4 Obtaining an individual award or distinction or significant contribution to an achievement
for which a team award or distinction was obtained in a nationwide or international competition
5 Practical application of the results of scientific research or development work, including
application for a patent, granted patent or implementation of the results of scientific activity in another form
6 Involvement in scientific circles and organisations 4
7 Internships and placements at home and abroad 4
8 Additional university studies, postgraduate studies, acquired qualifications, completed specialist courses 5
9 Additional higher education studies, postgraduate studies, acquired qualifications, completed specialist courses
Obtained minister’s scholarship for outstanding achievements (in the case of receiving a scholarship, other achievements are not included in Part II, points 1-8)
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